PkM - Strengthening Digital Literacy in Learning Activities Teaching English at SPM Al-Mashduqiah
Community Service (PKM) activities with Nurul Jadid University KKN students aimed at strengthening digital literacy at SPM Al-Mashduqiah School The main problems faced are the low digital literacy among students and some teachers, as well as the lack of technology integration in English learning. The PKM implementation method includes socialization, intensive training, technology integration in learning, mentoring, and evaluation. The solutions offered include digital literacy training for teachers and students, the use of relevant digital resources, and the development of interactive digital learning content. The program evaluation showed a significant improvement in digital literacy comprehension and skills, as well as the use of technology in English language learning. In conclusion, this PKM has succeeded in increasing the capacity of teachers and students in digital literacy, with full support from schools and related parties. The results make a positive contribution to improving the quality of English learning in vocational schools, in line with the demands of the current digital era.