PKM Application of QR Code Technology for Infrastructure Management at MTs Mambaul Hasan Sumberrejo Paiton Probolinggo


  • Moh. Sukron Universitas Nurul Jadid
  • Mohammad Nuruddin Nurul Jadid university
  • Mohammad Homsin Fawaid Nurul Jadid university
  • Rhodil Fauzi Nurul Jadid university
  • M. Maftuhul Fikri Nurul Jadid university
  • Fahniar Aria Irga Kurniawan Nurul Jadid university
  • Moch. Danang Setiawan Nurul Jadid university
  • Andika Jurgi Adi Raja Nurul Jadid university


training, QR Code, management system


The management of facilities and infrastructure at MTs Mambaul Hasan Sumberrejo Paiton Probolinggo is currently still done manually, resulting in various problems such as data entry errors, lost goods, and difficulties in tracking goods mutations. This manual process is not only time consuming but also reduces efficiency in inventory management. Therefore, this study aims to design and develop a QR Code-based facility and infrastructure management information system to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of facility and infrastructure management at MTs Mambaul Hasan. The research method used is the Research and Development (R&D) method with a quantitative approach and case studies. The research process begins with an analysis of system needs through direct observation and interviews with the school, followed by system design using the Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) approach. Furthermore, a system prototype is developed and tested to obtain feedback from users. The final stage includes system evaluation based on the feedback to make improvements before full system implementation. The discussion plan in this study includes system needs analysis, architecture and user interface design, system prototype development, and evaluation of system effectiveness and efficiency through trials and interviews with end users. The results of this study are expected to provide effective solutions for the management of facilities and infrastructure at MTs Mambaul Hasan and become a reference for other educational institutions.





