PKM - Training on Maharotul Qiro'ah Skills through Qiroatul Khobar at MA Mambaul Ulum
This community service aims to improve the skills of Maharotul Qiro’ah through Qiroatul Khobar at MA Sukodadi Paiton Probolinggo so that students develop the ability to read and comprehend Arabic news texts comprehensively and according to the correct rules. The problem faced by our partner is that students at MA Mambaul Ulum lack knowledge in reading and writing Arabic texts. This results in a lack of motivation to understand textual information in Arabic and a shortage of learning media provided by Arabic language teachers. The solution to this problem is the Qiroatul Khobar training (reading news texts). This community service was conducted over 2 months, aligned with the school schedule, with one session per week, and involved 24 participants from the 11th-grade class. This service used a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach. The community service activities consisted of three main stages: survey and socialization, training, and (actualization, reflection, and evaluation). Based on the results of the activities, it can be concluded that: a) The participants have high awareness of the importance of Qiroatul Khobar skills, particularly in the communication field in the workplace; b) This activity is highly relevant to students as preparation for their educational independence in the era of information technology; and c) Qiroatul Khobar skills have improved students' comprehension of reading Arabic news texts