Assistance in the Implementation of Character Education (Panca Adab) Based on Eastern Culture
Management Training, Character Education, Eastern CultureAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of management training in the implementation of character education (Panca Adab) based on eastern culture in junior high schools. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method, this research involves students, teachers, and the school as subjects. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, direct observation, and documentation analysis, with data analysis carried out through reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawn. The findings of the study revealed that thoroughly and systematically implemented training succeeded in improving students' understanding of character values, involvement in school activities, and the application of ethical norms in daily life. The program showed positive results in motivating students and improving their academic and social performance, with an emphasis on adapting to feedback and changing needs. The implications of these results suggest that this character education program is effective in shaping students' character and strengthening their relationships within the school community, making it a potential model for similar programs in the future.
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