Management of Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah-Based Curriculum Development in Islamic Education Best Practice
Management, Curriculum Development, Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ahAbstract
This study aims to analyze and understand the management process of the curriculum model based on Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah values in Madrasah Ibttidaiyah institutions. This research is qualitative descriptive research of the case study type. The case study in this study is an in-depth study of an individual, a group, an organization, an activity program, and so on in a certain time This type of descriptive research aims to explore and elaborate on social reality, describing a number of variables related to the problem and unit being studied. This research was conducted at an institution at MI At-Taqwa Bondowoso. The data analysis technique in this study uses the Miles and Huberman data analysis model with the stages of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawn. Based on the results of the research conducted, it shows that the implementation of the Ahlussunnah Waljama'ah-Based Curriculum at MI At-taqwa Bondowoso includes; (1) Curriculum planning based on the values of ahlussunnah waljama'ah MI At-taqwa Bondowoso, (2) Implementation in this curriculum structure is to include the ahlussunnah waljma'ah curriculum as part of the school curriculum which is manifested in local content lessons and ahlussunnah waljama'ah subject matter which is used as local content material at MI At-taqwa Bondowoso. In addition, it is also in the form of habituation that is combined in learning, (3) Curriculum evaluation at MI At-taqwa Bondowoso is carried out periodically according to the needs and input of madrasah residents. Evaluations that are definitely carried out are at the end and at the beginning of the school year.
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